Lora’s In-Home Care holds a comprehensive license by the State of Oregon. We recognize the importance of providing quality client care. We provide respite for family or private caregivers and private within care in assisted living and a full range of services to clients in the home.
We were established by Lois Deatherage, a nurse with 20 years of experience in caring for the elderly.
Learn more about us and our history.
Our purpose is to give effective, efficient, and quality in-home client care. You can trust that our care staff undergoes annual training to make sure that they are up-to-date and knowledgeable about federal and state home care regulations. We improve client care daily!
Lora’s In-Home Care requires annual in-service education on environmental safety programs, fire safety, blood-borne pathogens, infection control, abuse, neglect, and body mechanics. This maximizes each employee’s potential and keeps their industry knowledge current.
Call today for a full range of in-home health care services.
State of Oregon In-Home Care License: 15-2002
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